Sunday, February 26, 2012


i always adore it when my mom sends me letters. if i can say so, notes and the like are one of the most expressive ways to show love from afar. she is so thoughtful, sometimes i can't even believe it! she included lots of love and a little pass-down letter from a friend. she told me to go and buy some cute spring/summer clothes. yes ma'am!! i'm so excited to see mi familia again. i love and miss them all so much. this just made my day. thank you, mom!

project day three.

in case you are completely lost as to what this is, i actually don't know what it is's just a banner to hang up on my wall. i randomly got the idea four days ago and decided to execute it starting two days ago. this is day three...i have to extend the line and add these other little flag-type things to it before i can call it quits. just thought i'd throw an update in for the crafting world. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012


yes. call scotland yard. there was an intruder in our house. but, before you actually pick up the phone and dial 911, hear me out. well...let me begin my story with the below info:
have i ever mentioned my particular distaste of insects? if you want to get technical, an insect is anything from an ant to a hissing cockroach...and everything in-between. ( yeah, baby. super technical definition. )
anyhow, this particular intruder was hanging out on our living room/kitchen wall. i was the first to spot "trooper" - why, yes, we did name him - he was kind of above our heads. our first reaction? panic and run around, half - laughing, half - crying.
obviously, we haven't had to deal with this situation before. we both argued about who was going to kill it. let me tell you, cheyenne has a pretty good aim. from across the room, we chucked pennies at it. amazingly enough, she hit the cockroach straight on, and it disappeared somewhere ( the floor? the table? in a book on the table? ). we eliminated everything one by one off the table by thrusting the broom onto the object and brushing it off the table vigorously. what had actually happened, was that "trooper" - rest his soul - was already halfway r.i.p. 'ed on the floor next to a chair leg.
i finally saw the critter, lying there in anguish, twitching a bit just to show his spunk ( hence his name. ). cheyenne took the honour of squashing him with the broom until he was finally not moving...then she demanded that i clean it up since she killed it. grumble grumble. i took an enormous wad of toilet paper and picked "trooper" up with it and threw both the toilet paper and sir le' cockroach outside. where they both are probably resting until the morning.
cockroaches always have a way of coming back to life. hopefully he won't try to come back inside our warm housey anytime soon, or i might have a good cry.

animal crackers.

i bought a box of animal crackers today. hopefully i can make them last the week.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

okay okay. last post for tonight. i couldn't help myself when i found a try-it-on-glasses thing on the internet. it'd be great to own a pair such as these. *chuckle chuckle*. feel free to laugh too. 


i totally miss having long bangs. i am *so* growing them back out!

why does it have to be so late already? i mean...other than the fact that i haven't been back home for twelve hours, and it feels truly wonderful to be sitting on my couch, listening to the screaming wind outside. jamie is making me hot chocolate, which i have been wanting since i stepped outside to drive home. so perfect.
school today was good, and i even got to make up the dpm that i missed yesterday [ because my alarms ( yes PLURAL) did not go off, for whatever reason. ] this evening, hence me not getting home until now.
today i got so cold...that my fingers turned a blue-ish tint while i was trying to concentrate on class. apparently, i hear that they leave it cold at the university so people dress modestly. silly! i makes sense, but for people like me who always have cold fingers, you can imagine my dismay. i usually end up sitting on my hands, trying to circulate warmth in them. i think lately i have noticed that my circulation must not be dandy currently because if my legs get hot, they get a strange rash on them, and my hands turn blue-y when they get cold.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

watching "father of the bride". for some reason, it makes me want to cry.
and i ran across this painting that i did for ben last year for his birthday. somehow the picture turned out inside-out.

fall colours.

obviously this is a late post. i just found these in one of my picture albums. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

c.m. haaaaaack.

i took the time today to fake-hack into a friend's account and change said friend's status, profile picture, and post a ridiculous video on said friend's wall. i posted the video above so you could enjoy too. hehe. i love it when people let me mess with them.
i'll have to write about my actual day tomorrow, because i'm heading to bed.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

i get sad when i can't sleep sometimes. it's only because trying to function the following day is always a fun event. especially since i must wake up at 4:45am, but it makes me upset that my body tells me i am waking up at 11am. egad, it's pretty ridiculous if you ask me. jason upton is singing in my ear, and my fingers and padding away at the keys. maybe if i can't sleep, i can process things. who knows? five and a half hours of sleep isn't going to kill me, it's just bleh. i wonder what causes sleeplessness other than just being stressed out about...everything.
at least i only have things from 6am-2pm. then i can come home and crash. i did my homework tonight, and if it was done properly, that means that i won't have to worry about any of that tomorrow.
chuckle chuckle. i just googled "how to fall asleep instantly" and in wikihow, it showed some steps with pictures, including the instruction, "take baths before bed", which is followed by a picture of feet stepping into a tub filled with green-ish water. um. no thank you! algae pools don't sound relaxing. one of the other instructions was "remove electronics from room to keep you from wanting to take them out and use them"....oops. *shutting off laptop, going to try this again*.

some friends and weekends.

this weekend, i had the privilege to hang out with laura and benita. we all did the internship in 2011 together, and it's wonderful seeing them on occasion. we are planning a sleepover sometime soon. i am so blessed to have friends that live within a few miles of my house. cheyenne and i have been biking every day since we realized we have bikes to use. we took laura out today to see the eagle's nest, then we came back home and made some tea that she brought from Ukraine and put tea and milk in it. she brought some pumpkin pie over, and we devoured at least 3/4ths of the pie within the amount of time she was over. every weekend should be as enjoyable as this one turned out. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

yesterday's course.

for mom

here, mom. proof that i do not always wear grey, black, brown, white. 

and proof that i do things to my hair..sometimes.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

biking & the number 4.

cheyenne and i biked four miles today! i'm sorry to admit that i didn't bring my camera, but let's just say i haven't ridden a bike in so long, i was scared i'd crash and hurt my camera. all that to be said, i am in so much pain. we were considering going again tomorrow, but - hey - no hurry.
both of us were watching "dumbo" ( the classic disney movie ) , and realized how bizarre and depressing it is. as a kid, i don't think i ever really noticed things like that. i'm going to call it a night here soon. living off of four hours of sleep. four must be a popular number for me right now.


this post specifically for caleb m.! if you're reading this, you'll know what i am talking about when i say: forget repelling ;)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


i hit one thousand page views. i know that isn't a whole lot, but it made me smile, nonetheless. 

you know what else makes me smile? old pictures and memories.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

i always am waiting for the "more" without actually taking advantage of the present. unfortunately, living in such a manner makes you bypass the present altogether. instead of living for the day, pressing on towards your goal, you only look at the goal and how far away you are and how much you would rather just be there. it's nice to be home alone so i have time to think by myself, plenty of space to cry and gather myself together.
i can't stand my own lack of diligence and the fading passion that i once had. i always dreamed of living life on the edge and doing something great with my life, but now - now i can barely keep my eyelids open during the day and i hardly ever want to. where is the fire in my spirit that drove me onward as a child, that kept me going even when things were harder than they are now? that's the thing. things aren't any harder per - say than they were years ago. yes, i have responsibilities, but that's what happens when you aren't five anymore. the only things that are required of me are to breathe, eat, sleep, do some homework, go to class, and go to the prayer room. it's seriously not much to ask of somebody my age. i want to fall in love with the Man again who brought me into such a lifestyle. i think i got tired of waiting for Him to answer, so i stopped listening. isn't that horrible? i didn't even think of that until i just wrote it.
i'll do whatever You ask of me, please just don't leave me. give me a voice again, i'll sing. give me words, i'll speak them. give me silence, i'll try to listen. give me boldness, i'll go wherever You tell me to and do what comes from Your whispers to my heart.
something is stirring.
can i please just mention that i am totally digging phil wickham's music currently.

Monday, February 13, 2012

confessions - music.

nothing as relaxing as knowing that my homework is completed, that i studied enough for the test tomorrow, and sitting contentedly on my couch. the soundtrack helps too ( may it be  [from lord of the rings] ).
 haha. okay. i absolutely hate admitting it, but there's definitely something fascinating about celtic music judge if you must. perhaps it's in my blood, because it's breath - taking when done correctly, and if i close my eyes, i'm no longer in kansas city. anything with flutes and bagpipes and all that jazz. okay. laugh laugh laugh. i can hear you from all the way across the internet. anyhow, i kind of set myself up for that. not all celtic music is appealing, mind you.
then there's other genres like "nickel creek" which are amazing in my eyes. i don't even know how to classify their stuff, but i definitely appreciate music of this sort.
okay okay. most music is a must for me, and makes my eyes shine.

opening up some mail and feeling well - loved.

snow and the colour white.

inside and out.

freezing walks to class.

newest pizza hut employee.

every time that i wake up this early, i always am trying to figure out how it is humanly possible to enjoy this time of "day" if you can even call it that. although i've been awake for almost an hour already, i still struggle to keep my eyelids open ( things such as typing keep me awake ) until it is time to leave.
behind on three assignments because they never got posted online since the day i was sick last week. ah! i hate turning things in late. it's one of my pet peeves, knowing that i could have done the homework if only i had known the homework.
fortunately i finish school today at noon - ish, so hopefully that'll give me time to catch up some and hit the sack early. ( i'll probably literally hit it if i can't sleep until 11 tonight like last night! )
not trying to be miss grouchy - pants here, but isn't it too early for humans to be ALIVE? chuckle chuckle.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

four hours - at least.

after four hours [plus a few] of studying...

i finally produced a good study guide - front and back of notes, notes, notes.

Friday, February 10, 2012

cheyenne and i took the liberty to create a dinner together, something we have not done before. the course?

photos with chey.