who am i? -- in short

hey! the name is rachel. i grew up all over the u.s. and am now home-stead-ed ( if that is a word ) in missouri. moved out when i was seventeen from the family-house, and just completed an internship at a local church. i love music, piano, singing, reading, writing, drawing, painting, sketching, knitting, crocheting, sewing, exploring, hiking, climbing, camping, and taking pictures to document small pieces of my life. of course, the list could continue, but i don't want to bore anybody here. i don't mind being around a lot of people, but i am an introvert, and so being alone and reading a good book on some days isn't "depressing" as it would be for most. i am currently not doing much with my music due to the lame-o thing going on with my voice, but as soon as that gets better, i plan on diving head-in to music once more.   in case you haven't noticed, i love writing. someday, i'll write some great book or poem, not that it matters..yet. i am enrolled in a university, and am totally blessed that it is only five minutes up the road from where i currently live. most of the wood-sy pictures i will post are from my backyard here, which is ten acres of woods...and it backs up to a wild-life reserve ( yes. seeing deer, foxes, wolves, coyotes, owls, etc. is quite common, i hear! ). i am excited about school for the next few months, but my long-term education plan consists of me eventually going to cosmetology school and owning a hair salon. also! i want to make an etsy someday so i can sell the random little things i knit or what-not.
enough about me! some of the most important people in my life would include: Jesus, mom, dad, josiah, chris, peter, caleb k., genel, michaela, giselle, ben, sara, caleb m., and sarah. my family and friends are absolutely stellar!

1 comment:

  1. Hey lovee! I was just watching this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axd_MZPPNZA) and realized once again that she reminds me of you. Happy for your joy, louise
