Saturday, February 25, 2012


yes. call scotland yard. there was an intruder in our house. but, before you actually pick up the phone and dial 911, hear me out. well...let me begin my story with the below info:
have i ever mentioned my particular distaste of insects? if you want to get technical, an insect is anything from an ant to a hissing cockroach...and everything in-between. ( yeah, baby. super technical definition. )
anyhow, this particular intruder was hanging out on our living room/kitchen wall. i was the first to spot "trooper" - why, yes, we did name him - he was kind of above our heads. our first reaction? panic and run around, half - laughing, half - crying.
obviously, we haven't had to deal with this situation before. we both argued about who was going to kill it. let me tell you, cheyenne has a pretty good aim. from across the room, we chucked pennies at it. amazingly enough, she hit the cockroach straight on, and it disappeared somewhere ( the floor? the table? in a book on the table? ). we eliminated everything one by one off the table by thrusting the broom onto the object and brushing it off the table vigorously. what had actually happened, was that "trooper" - rest his soul - was already halfway r.i.p. 'ed on the floor next to a chair leg.
i finally saw the critter, lying there in anguish, twitching a bit just to show his spunk ( hence his name. ). cheyenne took the honour of squashing him with the broom until he was finally not moving...then she demanded that i clean it up since she killed it. grumble grumble. i took an enormous wad of toilet paper and picked "trooper" up with it and threw both the toilet paper and sir le' cockroach outside. where they both are probably resting until the morning.
cockroaches always have a way of coming back to life. hopefully he won't try to come back inside our warm housey anytime soon, or i might have a good cry.

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