Sunday, February 19, 2012

i get sad when i can't sleep sometimes. it's only because trying to function the following day is always a fun event. especially since i must wake up at 4:45am, but it makes me upset that my body tells me i am waking up at 11am. egad, it's pretty ridiculous if you ask me. jason upton is singing in my ear, and my fingers and padding away at the keys. maybe if i can't sleep, i can process things. who knows? five and a half hours of sleep isn't going to kill me, it's just bleh. i wonder what causes sleeplessness other than just being stressed out about...everything.
at least i only have things from 6am-2pm. then i can come home and crash. i did my homework tonight, and if it was done properly, that means that i won't have to worry about any of that tomorrow.
chuckle chuckle. i just googled "how to fall asleep instantly" and in wikihow, it showed some steps with pictures, including the instruction, "take baths before bed", which is followed by a picture of feet stepping into a tub filled with green-ish water. um. no thank you! algae pools don't sound relaxing. one of the other instructions was "remove electronics from room to keep you from wanting to take them out and use them"....oops. *shutting off laptop, going to try this again*.

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