Monday, February 13, 2012

confessions - music.

nothing as relaxing as knowing that my homework is completed, that i studied enough for the test tomorrow, and sitting contentedly on my couch. the soundtrack helps too ( may it be  [from lord of the rings] ).
 haha. okay. i absolutely hate admitting it, but there's definitely something fascinating about celtic music judge if you must. perhaps it's in my blood, because it's breath - taking when done correctly, and if i close my eyes, i'm no longer in kansas city. anything with flutes and bagpipes and all that jazz. okay. laugh laugh laugh. i can hear you from all the way across the internet. anyhow, i kind of set myself up for that. not all celtic music is appealing, mind you.
then there's other genres like "nickel creek" which are amazing in my eyes. i don't even know how to classify their stuff, but i definitely appreciate music of this sort.
okay okay. most music is a must for me, and makes my eyes shine.

opening up some mail and feeling well - loved.

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