Monday, February 13, 2012

every time that i wake up this early, i always am trying to figure out how it is humanly possible to enjoy this time of "day" if you can even call it that. although i've been awake for almost an hour already, i still struggle to keep my eyelids open ( things such as typing keep me awake ) until it is time to leave.
behind on three assignments because they never got posted online since the day i was sick last week. ah! i hate turning things in late. it's one of my pet peeves, knowing that i could have done the homework if only i had known the homework.
fortunately i finish school today at noon - ish, so hopefully that'll give me time to catch up some and hit the sack early. ( i'll probably literally hit it if i can't sleep until 11 tonight like last night! )
not trying to be miss grouchy - pants here, but isn't it too early for humans to be ALIVE? chuckle chuckle.

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