Saturday, March 31, 2012

a most hectic day. well...not really. if you enjoy studying from ten in the morning until two in the evening with a few breaks here in there, it hasn't really been all that bad. i sat outside and read a book that i needed to read for assignments due this week. the weather, i daresay, is absolutely splendid. i'm scared of getting wrinkles, so i didn't sit out there for too long before i fled back inside to finish the portion of reading required. it's probably a good thing that i enjoy writing, because of of the courses that i am taking has quite a bit of writing that is necessary.
with all of that said, i can tell you a bit of the nastiness that just occurred. zoe [the dog] just threw up right next to my car's front right tire wheel. her owner asked me if she should just let it sit there or if she should try to put a box over it. ummm...hehe. bugs? lots of them? right next to my passenger side? no thank you! i suggested that she could at least pour the cup of water she was holding on it to see if it would wash it away any. it melted a tiny bit of it away, and then she decided to go and get the hose. phew. puke is one of those things that i am not very fond of. my other roommate said she was going to take an "hour nap" starting at ten, but hasn't yet resurfaced [and it is now two]. it's a beautiful, lazy, spring day. i still maybe have four hours of classwork to do, and i could probably do some of it tomorrow, but knowing myself, it would be best to see what i can get done today so i can actually have a day off once in a while from school work. oh. this is going to be my typical school load now until the end of the semester. sigh. nobody ever said it would be fun or extremely easy, but i'll make the best of it.

Friday, March 30, 2012

oh my ears.

the sad day when you lose your favourite gauge, so you have to mix-match them until you can afford new ones..
[and the even scarier day when you decide to wear tiedye out in public again...]

Thursday, March 29, 2012

oh boy.

homework. this is going to be scary. i guess i had better get started if i ever want to finish. fortunately, i have most of the day friday and saturday free, so i can get things accomplished. oh boy!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

flowers and chipping nailpolish.

decisions decisions.

every time that i come to that place in life where i have to make decisions, my brain has a melt-down and i can't think logically. call it weird or whatever, but it always happens to me in transitions. usually sitting and thinking it through when nobody else is around is calming because it gives me time to put my head on straight, talk to the Lord, and then cry it off for a few minutes. i used to bite my nails, but since that helps nothing, i improved my method to lying down and breathing in and breathing out. haha. maybe it's a girl thing, but if i pet a dog or a cat in the process, that usually helps too. too bad the only dog we have smells funny.
by tomorrow, i should have my books for classes and by tomorrow evening, i might have started catching up on assignments. Probably nearly 200 pgs. in books need to be read, three separate short essays need to be written, and thirty minutes on hands-on work need to be done.
did i mention that i lost my gauges? sad day. now i have to wear those ugly spike ones until i either find the one i lost or buy new ones. probably not buy new ones unless i randomly get given money for some odd job. back to ze spikes.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


this week. oh my. can i just say that this week was absolutely splendid. if i gave it to you in detail, you'd probably think i was the most blessed girl on planet earth. i have such an amazing family and wonderful friends. all of these are seemingly dreadful pictures because they were taken on my phone...unfortunately i left my camera in missouri..but these will do. oh...i have no idea why they're sideways. *grumblegrumblecellphonegrumble*.

one of my "little" brothers.

most delicious drink you'll ever touch to your lips.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

my visit.

this was me, playing mexican train with caleb m. and my mom yesterday. what a stellar day.

Monday, March 19, 2012

on my mind.

i made it safely back to my family. i'll write more about it sometime! yay!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

ties of bow.

sometimes i get bursts of creativity. what can i say?


one of the things i miss most about high school is reading. the eerie feeling you get as you delve into "frankenstein", or the thrill it gives you to find out that mr. rochester is already married and leaves jane eyre at the alter, or the plummet your heart takes as you find yourself stuck in a rut with tom sawyer.
if i ever get a chance, i am going to write an award-winning novel. obviously, you cannot come through with such a plan unless you purposely set yourself aside to write. i figure, someday i'll take the time to map out a good story and actually sit down and write it.
i used to want to marry tom sawyer...then i found out he was a fictional character. this is my "woe is me" post, because i was heartbroken.
p.s. cheyenne almost stepped (barefooted) on a snake yesterday. she squealed and jumped away just in time. just thought i should add this in here.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

march 13th.

it's one of those days. you know the kind. the ones when you do anything to not do your essay that's due in two days that was just assigned today. that kind.

what i have done instead:
lay outside on a blanket in the sun.
drink a quart of water.
bike ride to the lake.
eat food.
watch a short video a friend sent me.

i'll get to it!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


my friend, deer, is coming to visit this monday. i'm pumped!

swing dancing.

my friend, jesse, and i dancing.

tonight was my first night swing dancing. i just have to say, i am on cloud 9 because i've never had so much fun being twirled, dipped, etc., in my life! i went with a group of ihop girls and a ton of ihop students were at the place we went. i probably got to dance 20 separate times. so tired or i would write more. it was darkish in the place, so the pics are blurry. cheyenne only took four pictures, and these are the only two that you can tell there are human beings in them. hehe.

Friday, March 9, 2012

collar bones are amongst the most beautiful things in creation.

welcome home, chris!

life is beautiful.

recently, the weather has been phenomenal here! cheyenne and i have made it a habit of carrying a blanket to different random places around the house and chilling outside, listening to music. today we chose the front yard, and listened to some instrumental. absolutely lovely.
oh my goodness! my brother is finally back in the united states. i'm supposed to skype my family sometime today and see his bright and shining face. so excited. you have no idea! my favourite redhead on earth.
i bought a really cute skirt and a pair of shoes today at the thrift store for a total of $5. i'll have to post a picture sometime. maybe i'll wear them tomorrow if i go swing dancing with benita and chey.

life is beautiful.

the beginnings of spring.

i almost didn't see this little sucker on my shirt that i bought last year. that would have been embarrassing. 

no matter how hard i try to get the red out of just stays!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


thanks, micah, for introducing me to one of the silliest, bestest songs ever. shout-out to you!

micah: the hero.

one of my friends works at the university. she asked me to help with one of her music classes while i was off during lunch. i was delighted to, considering how much i have been dreaming of doing music again. anyhow, i got to sing with some of her students for something they were working on. what a blast! that was the highlight of my day at school for sure.
i am sitting here, hoping that my brother skypes me...but it appears that our time difference is-well-quite different. hopefully his travels back to the States were alright. our communication since i moved out almost a year ago have been scarce since we aren't usually in the same place at the same time. it's been at least six months since i last saw the guy. not like i don't think about him frequently. i'm actually not a skilled communicator yet in the first place. i get awkward on in-person contact, and over phone i sit and listen more than talk-whether you were planning on doing all the talking or not, and over skype, i smile too big and nervously touch my hair. oh well. *shrugs*. you're probably thinking i'm an extremely awkward person by the sound of things, perhaps i am. i just don't always feel the need to talk, and i quite enjoy listening.
oh boy, do i have homework. it looks like i'll be spending the majourity of my evening doing so...but before i do, i wanted to tell a quick story.

imagine me...sitting in class, minding my own business. get the picture in your head? perfect. this guy who sits next to me every week is korean. you see-for this class, they check us in by if we are sitting in our assigned seating, which is done alphabetically. he's the loudest talking guy you'll probably ever meet, by the way, and perfectly outgoing. either way. i'm sitting in class, minding my own business, and all of a sudden, a bubble lands on the floor next to my feet. i look over to my right, and this kid is sitting there, looking semi-guilty. i lean over and whisper to him, "hey, jimmy? did you see that bubble?" he shakes his head no, and i shake off the feeling that i was just seeing things. yikes! there was another one. this time, i noticed that it was coming from by jimmy's head. right before another one flies through the air and onto my leg, i see how it was produced: asian spit. why...thank you. i don't know how he does it, but he somehow forms spit-bubbles in his mouth, and sends them soaring. trying not to laugh, because other students were noticing and pointing, i motion for him to stop. when he finally stops, class gets let out, and i'm stuck pondering how he does it.

haha. it doesn't make for much of a story, but i thought it was silly enough to blog about.

the weather as of late.

frozen grapes.

i mustache you a question...but i'll shave it for later.

these flowers are confused into thinking it is spring.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


..i just listen to music and cry.

Monday, March 5, 2012

my beloved cake.

how i'd love to create one of these someday just because it is so lovely.


everybody should make one at some point.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

dog baths and kitty naps.

chey and i gave zoe a bath today. i can't get over how ugly zoe is...sorry girl.
benita and i went to a coffee shop up the road, and i gotta say, they're pretty sweet.
horrible picture, but cute cat. the folks benita is renting from own this little doll-face.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


i need to turn in my application for summer camp tonight...but unfortunately my leader reference forms ar still blank since my leaders have been busy. i surely wish that they would have filled them out last night. i would try to "buy off" the guy who reviews the forms with cookies..but i don't even have cookies to give him. i forgot to pick up some on the way home, and now i'm out of time to run out and get some. bummer, eh? somehow i'll get my application in on time..

Friday, March 2, 2012

snow and a little lunch.


i don't even know what to say. yesterday it was 75 out, and my roommate was wearing shorts and a tshirt as we went on our walk. today the snowflakes are as big as dimes. spring tricked us all!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


i made my family a card for valentines day. i forgot to post a picture of it. the card folds below the roof. i was elated to make such a card..i miss painting little things.

ten dollars..where it went.

what all can you buy with ten dollars from a haircut you gave somebody?

four homemade wooden bowls from thailand.

three bags of kettlecorn.

a bag of m&m's.

a sweatshirt.

a visor.

a vhs [my big fat greek wedding].

thrift stores and dollar stores are where it's at. seriously.