Wednesday, March 14, 2012


one of the things i miss most about high school is reading. the eerie feeling you get as you delve into "frankenstein", or the thrill it gives you to find out that mr. rochester is already married and leaves jane eyre at the alter, or the plummet your heart takes as you find yourself stuck in a rut with tom sawyer.
if i ever get a chance, i am going to write an award-winning novel. obviously, you cannot come through with such a plan unless you purposely set yourself aside to write. i figure, someday i'll take the time to map out a good story and actually sit down and write it.
i used to want to marry tom sawyer...then i found out he was a fictional character. this is my "woe is me" post, because i was heartbroken.
p.s. cheyenne almost stepped (barefooted) on a snake yesterday. she squealed and jumped away just in time. just thought i should add this in here.

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