Saturday, March 31, 2012

a most hectic day. well...not really. if you enjoy studying from ten in the morning until two in the evening with a few breaks here in there, it hasn't really been all that bad. i sat outside and read a book that i needed to read for assignments due this week. the weather, i daresay, is absolutely splendid. i'm scared of getting wrinkles, so i didn't sit out there for too long before i fled back inside to finish the portion of reading required. it's probably a good thing that i enjoy writing, because of of the courses that i am taking has quite a bit of writing that is necessary.
with all of that said, i can tell you a bit of the nastiness that just occurred. zoe [the dog] just threw up right next to my car's front right tire wheel. her owner asked me if she should just let it sit there or if she should try to put a box over it. ummm...hehe. bugs? lots of them? right next to my passenger side? no thank you! i suggested that she could at least pour the cup of water she was holding on it to see if it would wash it away any. it melted a tiny bit of it away, and then she decided to go and get the hose. phew. puke is one of those things that i am not very fond of. my other roommate said she was going to take an "hour nap" starting at ten, but hasn't yet resurfaced [and it is now two]. it's a beautiful, lazy, spring day. i still maybe have four hours of classwork to do, and i could probably do some of it tomorrow, but knowing myself, it would be best to see what i can get done today so i can actually have a day off once in a while from school work. oh. this is going to be my typical school load now until the end of the semester. sigh. nobody ever said it would be fun or extremely easy, but i'll make the best of it.

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