Wednesday, March 28, 2012

decisions decisions.

every time that i come to that place in life where i have to make decisions, my brain has a melt-down and i can't think logically. call it weird or whatever, but it always happens to me in transitions. usually sitting and thinking it through when nobody else is around is calming because it gives me time to put my head on straight, talk to the Lord, and then cry it off for a few minutes. i used to bite my nails, but since that helps nothing, i improved my method to lying down and breathing in and breathing out. haha. maybe it's a girl thing, but if i pet a dog or a cat in the process, that usually helps too. too bad the only dog we have smells funny.
by tomorrow, i should have my books for classes and by tomorrow evening, i might have started catching up on assignments. Probably nearly 200 pgs. in books need to be read, three separate short essays need to be written, and thirty minutes on hands-on work need to be done.
did i mention that i lost my gauges? sad day. now i have to wear those ugly spike ones until i either find the one i lost or buy new ones. probably not buy new ones unless i randomly get given money for some odd job. back to ze spikes.

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