Wednesday, March 7, 2012

one of my friends works at the university. she asked me to help with one of her music classes while i was off during lunch. i was delighted to, considering how much i have been dreaming of doing music again. anyhow, i got to sing with some of her students for something they were working on. what a blast! that was the highlight of my day at school for sure.
i am sitting here, hoping that my brother skypes me...but it appears that our time difference is-well-quite different. hopefully his travels back to the States were alright. our communication since i moved out almost a year ago have been scarce since we aren't usually in the same place at the same time. it's been at least six months since i last saw the guy. not like i don't think about him frequently. i'm actually not a skilled communicator yet in the first place. i get awkward on in-person contact, and over phone i sit and listen more than talk-whether you were planning on doing all the talking or not, and over skype, i smile too big and nervously touch my hair. oh well. *shrugs*. you're probably thinking i'm an extremely awkward person by the sound of things, perhaps i am. i just don't always feel the need to talk, and i quite enjoy listening.
oh boy, do i have homework. it looks like i'll be spending the majourity of my evening doing so...but before i do, i wanted to tell a quick story.

imagine me...sitting in class, minding my own business. get the picture in your head? perfect. this guy who sits next to me every week is korean. you see-for this class, they check us in by if we are sitting in our assigned seating, which is done alphabetically. he's the loudest talking guy you'll probably ever meet, by the way, and perfectly outgoing. either way. i'm sitting in class, minding my own business, and all of a sudden, a bubble lands on the floor next to my feet. i look over to my right, and this kid is sitting there, looking semi-guilty. i lean over and whisper to him, "hey, jimmy? did you see that bubble?" he shakes his head no, and i shake off the feeling that i was just seeing things. yikes! there was another one. this time, i noticed that it was coming from by jimmy's head. right before another one flies through the air and onto my leg, i see how it was produced: asian spit. why...thank you. i don't know how he does it, but he somehow forms spit-bubbles in his mouth, and sends them soaring. trying not to laugh, because other students were noticing and pointing, i motion for him to stop. when he finally stops, class gets let out, and i'm stuck pondering how he does it.

haha. it doesn't make for much of a story, but i thought it was silly enough to blog about.

1 comment:

  1. Chris blows spit bubbles! Agh, I wish I could.. Haha.
