Monday, April 30, 2012

the hospital for cars.

some days you just need a shoulder to cry on. yes, indeed.
waking up with three and a half hours of sleep wasn't my first choice in wonderful days, but i figured that i could make do. when i got out of the prayer room, my tire was flat. a friend asked to get a ride with me, and i said he could. i didn't realize you can't drive on a flat (stupid, yes, i know..) tire, so i jumped in the car and said we'd just take back roads to the university. when we got there, i went to class and could only handle it for about an hour and a half before i was falling asleep. i decided that i'd go out and try to change my tire. i got almost all of the bolts off and lost all of my energy. a kind young man came and helped me remove the tire and place my spare on. i went home and ate, and then drove to get my tire patched. turns out, i drove the rubber down into itself...oops. a $120 repair finished, and i am home again, proud to announce that i have a $200ish dollar repair that is getting done tomorrow so that i can make a safe trip back to georgia in two weeks. on the..."ball joints", i believe?
sigh. i literally have been at the point of tears all day. now that i am home, i just feel numb.

Friday, April 27, 2012


when people ask what my favourite type of stone is..i'm just a sucker for opals. this ring could almost be perfect if it weren't for that stinky little green-coloured opal [second to the right] that throws off the entire rest of the ring. bummer. oh well..that's about as good as these beauties get. gotta love it.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

tea time.

homework and tea, gotta love it. i've found that my favourite way to drink tea is to combine two different tea bags and add two spoonfuls of honey. mmm. delicious.


it's that time of year again...where i study for a few hours and get ready to take on some mid-term papers. it's kind of sad that my camera takes pictures "inside-out-ish", but that's okay, because i don't want people reading it anyways. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

sick days.

days like today, i just want hot soup and a good book. i've had weird dizzy spells since yesterday, and so i am taking today off of service and just staying home. i guess i can do homework, but my eyes are tired, and so i might just listen to music and sleep this yucky thing off.
i want to be productive, so we'll see what i can get done.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


i had the privilege this last Sunday to sing with my friend, Adam, at the International House of Prayer in KC. you can't imagine how thankful i was for such an opportunity. i have really missed singing, and so i was blessed to get to sing, especially with such a great team! thank You, Jesus!

store of thrifts.

you could say thrifting this past week was quite lovely. unfortunately, the top item was out of my price range, and the lower item is out of my...needs. both were "good finds", just not really all that conventional. just thought i would share, even though my phone's photo quality isn't superb.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

colours of the wind.

sometimes writing monochromatic gets dull. <3 stablio.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

back in time.

falling alseep during a skype conversation on me, eh?

haha. so this is kind of old news-and by "old", i mean it's been about a month. this is my boyfriend. unfortunately he doesn't live in kansas city...although not *so* unfortunate since i am leaving shortly. no worries, as i am sure he'll be reading this, and probably wonder what the inspiration is for my silliness in blogging about it. it's actually fun to be goofy with him, and people can easily thrive with his company. can't wait to actually get to be with him and my family again. these are some of the things that i can look forward to-including my other beloved friends. i just figured since i have yet to blog about this guy, i'd give him a concise shout-out and say "you're great!!" hehe. if you absolutely dislike these pictures, caleb, just tell me. miss you!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


holidays are always a bummer when you are not with family or even really friends. both of my roommates made plans for this wonderful day, and so i have been just doing things around the house. haha. okay-i felt sorry for myself for a little while, but i am actually feeling much better now. going to spend some of my time writing notes and sending them off. not to mention all of the homework that i missed out on the past few days because i have been enamoured with the book series, my lovely friend, Cara, sent to me. i might be going over to a friend's house to help her paint or something. who knows. from four to six, i have a set to do at the ihop (prayer not pancakes). after that, i'll probably just come home and catch some z's. isn't Easter a beautiful holiday, though? the day (well at least the day we celebrate) that our Lord rose up from the grave. He is so wonderful and powerful, that He couldn't stay in the grave, but after the three days, He came out. we can all rest assured that we-who are in Christ-will, too be raised and receive resurrected bodies on the day of His returning. what a blessed hope, that we will not just die, but get our bodies back...glorified! Jesus could have resurrected Himself as a Spirit, but there was something that He must have known about the human body that made Him come back in a resurrected human body. hmmm...curious, right? makes me think and wonder.
well. happy easter to all, and reflect on Him!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

hair :)

can't wait to take it down!

so i finally caved and started using "pinterest". to my amazement, it actually came in handy. this hairstyle literally took two minutes to put up and then took maybe four minutes to blow-dry so it wouldn't stay wet. if you're looking for something easy and cute...come on! when you take it down....curls...voila! 


sigh. i know that i have been extremely lazy with posting things the past few days, but i guess i got totally preoccupied with a billion other things. school work has increased this half-semester, and so i spend a good deal of time trying to procrastinate. yes-i admit that i try to not think about my homework, but that actually doesn't make the problem go away. sad, right?
yesterday, i got to help my friend paint a pretty good amount of the inside of her house. she is huge with child and is due in the middle of may. i kept telling her to sit down and relax instead of painting alongside of me. i hope she doesn't feel the results too much today of her hard work yesterday.
the house feels like an ice cube, so i have been wrapping myself up like a mummy, walking around with blankets and things of the like to stay warm. cheyenne bought muffins yesterday, and i was jealous. (costco) apparently has really good deals on giant muffins where you get like...twelve muffins for six dollars. i.want.muffins. oh-and i really want cucumber carbonated drink too. haha. if i ever save up enough money or enough time to go to buy either of the above.
today's hoped-for-schedule?
-do some reading assignments.
-do some papers.
-read one of The Mark of the Lion series!!
-service tonight.

my week.

cheyenne and i went under the bridges and look what we found! a can see the little guy barely because he is all the way under water other than his head.

a dear friend of mine bought and sent me this book series. you have no idea how excited i am to get to read these!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

my beloved genna.

i am always up for a beautiful skype date with my lovely friends. although these cannot compare to face-to-face conversations, they are the second best things [maybe third best, if you include snail mail]. i'm hoping these are more regular in my life. with eight-ish weeks left to go until summer break, i am living off of interactions with friends here and there throughout the week. missing all my georgia dears.
more of genna?