Sunday, April 8, 2012


holidays are always a bummer when you are not with family or even really friends. both of my roommates made plans for this wonderful day, and so i have been just doing things around the house. haha. okay-i felt sorry for myself for a little while, but i am actually feeling much better now. going to spend some of my time writing notes and sending them off. not to mention all of the homework that i missed out on the past few days because i have been enamoured with the book series, my lovely friend, Cara, sent to me. i might be going over to a friend's house to help her paint or something. who knows. from four to six, i have a set to do at the ihop (prayer not pancakes). after that, i'll probably just come home and catch some z's. isn't Easter a beautiful holiday, though? the day (well at least the day we celebrate) that our Lord rose up from the grave. He is so wonderful and powerful, that He couldn't stay in the grave, but after the three days, He came out. we can all rest assured that we-who are in Christ-will, too be raised and receive resurrected bodies on the day of His returning. what a blessed hope, that we will not just die, but get our bodies back...glorified! Jesus could have resurrected Himself as a Spirit, but there was something that He must have known about the human body that made Him come back in a resurrected human body. hmmm...curious, right? makes me think and wonder.
well. happy easter to all, and reflect on Him!

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