Wednesday, April 11, 2012

back in time.

falling alseep during a skype conversation on me, eh?

haha. so this is kind of old news-and by "old", i mean it's been about a month. this is my boyfriend. unfortunately he doesn't live in kansas city...although not *so* unfortunate since i am leaving shortly. no worries, as i am sure he'll be reading this, and probably wonder what the inspiration is for my silliness in blogging about it. it's actually fun to be goofy with him, and people can easily thrive with his company. can't wait to actually get to be with him and my family again. these are some of the things that i can look forward to-including my other beloved friends. i just figured since i have yet to blog about this guy, i'd give him a concise shout-out and say "you're great!!" hehe. if you absolutely dislike these pictures, caleb, just tell me. miss you!


  1. Ok, this is seriously unacceptable. I don't remember reviewing any boyfriend applications. I really don't know if he's suitable or not..... *shakes her head*


  2. hehe. apparently he passed the "dad's review" application when he asked him, crazy right? :D
