Monday, April 30, 2012

the hospital for cars.

some days you just need a shoulder to cry on. yes, indeed.
waking up with three and a half hours of sleep wasn't my first choice in wonderful days, but i figured that i could make do. when i got out of the prayer room, my tire was flat. a friend asked to get a ride with me, and i said he could. i didn't realize you can't drive on a flat (stupid, yes, i know..) tire, so i jumped in the car and said we'd just take back roads to the university. when we got there, i went to class and could only handle it for about an hour and a half before i was falling asleep. i decided that i'd go out and try to change my tire. i got almost all of the bolts off and lost all of my energy. a kind young man came and helped me remove the tire and place my spare on. i went home and ate, and then drove to get my tire patched. turns out, i drove the rubber down into itself...oops. a $120 repair finished, and i am home again, proud to announce that i have a $200ish dollar repair that is getting done tomorrow so that i can make a safe trip back to georgia in two weeks. on the..."ball joints", i believe?
sigh. i literally have been at the point of tears all day. now that i am home, i just feel numb.

1 comment:

  1. dear rachelanne, don't be sad, count your blessing! I'm always in a poopy mood until i realize of all the things could've happened. Though it still troubles me and i end up being like 'WHYYYYY GKDSJGKSD.' I'm sure you'll arrive home safely and soundly :) you'll see all the people you love again<3 if you need a quick remedy, just get some ice-cream! I wish i was there to get you ice-cream :( i love you and i'll be praying for you!
    love- meow
