Tuesday, January 31, 2012

ten pics.

just as i was about to send caleb's bday card, water spilled ALL over it. 

look carefully.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012


took our day off and cleaned.

don't judge..we live in a hole!

letting some fresh air in.

i'm not afraid. i was born to do this." - joan of arc

Saturday, January 28, 2012

those days.

one of "those days", isn't it? i remember growing up, waking up on mornings like these...or even sometimes in the night. my mom would come into my room and say those dreaded words, "are you coughing?" i would kind of stare at her like she was crazy, well...who else would be coughing in my room? and then i would nod. after she would tell me to get up and go downstairs with her, i would grab my blanket and trail it down the stairs alongside of me. the scariest part was when she brought me over to the medicine cabinet. with one swift movement of the hand, she would grab the nyquil and a measuring device. with wide eyes, i would back slowly away. if ever i had a right to hate medicine, this medicine would be the one. staying up all night with a sore throat and throwing up wasn't my idea of a fun-filled night.

years later, i found out that i was actually allergic to one of the ingredients in nyquil, which is what caused me to throw up every time i would take it. apparently, it is the same ingredient in higher doses that makes me hallucinate. when i go to the doctors, they usually ask me if i am allergic to any medicine, but i can never remember what the specific ingredient is, so i just answer "no", and hope that somehow they will not put that horrid ingredient in whatever they are prescribing for me.

i'm ready to stop coughing up a lung. my poor roommate!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


with the peak of the season, i am sure everybody notices how cold it is. if you notice your neck getting cold, your head getting cold, your ears getting cold, any of the above; then stop by the online shop and warmify yourself! it's just what you need: some amazingly well-crafted items, made with love and flutter...by hannah! a wonderful wife and mommy, she knows what it takes to stay warm. just be prepared...to get cozy.


new groove.

currently enjoying myself, watching "emperor's new groove" with my roommate. not much can make me laugh out loud, but seriously. this movie always makes me bust at the seams. there are a ton of great quotes and hysterical...instances that are in this movie. oh goodness.

last of the kitties.

i hate to post so many pictures of my cats, but i really like them a lot, and here were the rest of the pictures that i took the other day. heh. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

where i live.

the past two mornings, i woke up at five for classes. this was great and all...minus the scary walk to my car. mind you: we live in the middle of what seems to be "nowhere", and when you live "nowhere"...the surrounding area is pitch black and i am scared of animals attacking me in the dark! this sounds like an irrational fear, yes, i know. however, this morning when i walked out to my car, i heard a rustling sound in the woods...only to look over and see two enormous bucks, standing right next to my car. i was freaked out for a second, but quickly recovered when i remembered that deer are vegetarians. someday, i want to go out with a friend and star gaze...it is gorgeous out that early in the morning ( late at night...same thing ), because there isn't much city light even in the distance. tomorrow i have another long day at school ( oh! i just got home an hour ago...6am-3pm ), and then friday through sunday are way more lax. i just want to sleep.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

to sum it up.

wild turkey flock in our front yard.

chasing wild turkeys with my bare feet. 



"boy hair. everywhere."


Monday, January 23, 2012

sent ( check! )

mi gatos

they do everything i do...

...tell me when do be quiet for a few...
...even face-plant into the bed...


the books in our basement.

my badge for school..minus my last name. heh.

day one: university!

another cold day in the land of missouri. as a first year, second semester student, i have got to say that class today was amazing. it's great to have a unified classroom who actually cares what the teacher has to say...so much unlike highschool ( me included in highschool half the time, sadly enough ). i want to be a diligent student, not only because it shows good character ( which i surely hope i have some of! ), but also because it builds onto any good character that was present.

today i get to ship off my first pair of shorts and see how that goes. i really hope they fit correctly and are completely satisfactory. i have a couple of other things that i need to get done today, but i hope to post some pictures before i send off the shorts and of random other things. in case you haven't noticed: i love taking pictures.

both of my roommates are not present, so this is great "rachel alone time" to do stuff and also just rest. starting tomorrow, i will be waking up at five in the morning for one of the university's requirements. it'll be interesting having a roommate who is wholly fixed on doing a more evening/night schedule, but i'll be praying for grace and patience on both of our parts. life is such an adventure.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


during my internship, i handmade cards. how i miss doing quirky little crafts-ies.

for whatever reason, these next pictures all turned out backwards.

my photobooth makes me sad..

still backwards. sigh.

shortie shorts

i'm excited about the next pair i'll be doing shortly after michaela's!! they'll be purple and grey.