Wednesday, January 25, 2012

where i live.

the past two mornings, i woke up at five for classes. this was great and all...minus the scary walk to my car. mind you: we live in the middle of what seems to be "nowhere", and when you live "nowhere"...the surrounding area is pitch black and i am scared of animals attacking me in the dark! this sounds like an irrational fear, yes, i know. however, this morning when i walked out to my car, i heard a rustling sound in the woods...only to look over and see two enormous bucks, standing right next to my car. i was freaked out for a second, but quickly recovered when i remembered that deer are vegetarians. someday, i want to go out with a friend and star is gorgeous out that early in the morning ( late at night...same thing ), because there isn't much city light even in the distance. tomorrow i have another long day at school ( oh! i just got home an hour ago...6am-3pm ), and then friday through sunday are way more lax. i just want to sleep.

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