Saturday, January 28, 2012

those days.

one of "those days", isn't it? i remember growing up, waking up on mornings like these...or even sometimes in the night. my mom would come into my room and say those dreaded words, "are you coughing?" i would kind of stare at her like she was crazy, well...who else would be coughing in my room? and then i would nod. after she would tell me to get up and go downstairs with her, i would grab my blanket and trail it down the stairs alongside of me. the scariest part was when she brought me over to the medicine cabinet. with one swift movement of the hand, she would grab the nyquil and a measuring device. with wide eyes, i would back slowly away. if ever i had a right to hate medicine, this medicine would be the one. staying up all night with a sore throat and throwing up wasn't my idea of a fun-filled night.

years later, i found out that i was actually allergic to one of the ingredients in nyquil, which is what caused me to throw up every time i would take it. apparently, it is the same ingredient in higher doses that makes me hallucinate. when i go to the doctors, they usually ask me if i am allergic to any medicine, but i can never remember what the specific ingredient is, so i just answer "no", and hope that somehow they will not put that horrid ingredient in whatever they are prescribing for me.

i'm ready to stop coughing up a lung. my poor roommate!

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