Monday, January 23, 2012

day one: university!

another cold day in the land of missouri. as a first year, second semester student, i have got to say that class today was amazing. it's great to have a unified classroom who actually cares what the teacher has to much unlike highschool ( me included in highschool half the time, sadly enough ). i want to be a diligent student, not only because it shows good character ( which i surely hope i have some of! ), but also because it builds onto any good character that was present.

today i get to ship off my first pair of shorts and see how that goes. i really hope they fit correctly and are completely satisfactory. i have a couple of other things that i need to get done today, but i hope to post some pictures before i send off the shorts and of random other things. in case you haven't noticed: i love taking pictures.

both of my roommates are not present, so this is great "rachel alone time" to do stuff and also just rest. starting tomorrow, i will be waking up at five in the morning for one of the university's requirements. it'll be interesting having a roommate who is wholly fixed on doing a more evening/night schedule, but i'll be praying for grace and patience on both of our parts. life is such an adventure.

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