Thursday, February 2, 2012


i am so excited. ( tomorrow i have most of the day off...and i get to sleep in! ) after a pathetic day - on my behalf - because i kept falling asleep. seriously. i didn't know it was possible to fall asleep sitting up, listening to lectures. i somehow managed to stay awake for mr. hood's two hour lecture on the old testament theophanies, which was quite wonderful. buying groceries took forever today, thanks to cheyenne and me being ridiculously slow in the store. when you have nights off, you don't take them for granted - especially when you realize that tomorrow you can sleep in!

what i really need to do now is homework. uh. you didn't see anything. speaking of seeing things, i saw a fox right outside my car when i was unloading the groceries and carrying them into my house. chey and i kind of attempted to contain a squeal, but the fox still took off like a bullet. bummer. i was hoping to keep it as a pet. ( kidding. )

since my hair is getting longer, i have been so tempted to cut it all off. however, i figure that i can manage it for at least another year, and then i'll re-evaluate. although, you never know how long that resolution will stand firm. OH NO! i was afraid for a moment that it was my brother's birthday and it had slipped my mind. three more days - phew - i am not a horrible sister. the "pretty" note ( aka: ruined! ) in one of my previous posts was a picture of the original card and envelope that i created for him...but my water bottle had an accident all over it, and i had to re - create his lovely card. ( the second one was better. ) he'll probably be disappointed when he reads the card and shakes the envelope, only to realize that there is no money. ( sorry, kibbs. i am a poor little missionary! )

going to call it a night in a few, just got a couple more things to do before i can sleep. sweet cuddles.

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