Friday, February 3, 2012


can i just say how much i love my brother, chris? i stole this picture off of his facebook, but i couldn't help it. i think life would have bee so different if i had grown up without him. he's in cambodia for a few more months with ywam. if i get to see him over summer break, it would have almost been a year since i last saw him! so crazy, that as you grow up, your siblings disperse all over the world. i think he's enjoying himself over there, and it's totally up his alley to travel and go places. it's kind of funny, because on his trip there, he's one of the only guys ( aka: he is surrounded by girls! ). personally, that cracks me up because i was the only girl in the house - other than mom - growing up, so i wonder if he's getting used to being around so many of our - ahem - species? missing him lots, and sending a quick shout - out to the "man with chops". miss you, chris! 
( in case you can't tell, he's the first person on the right - with a white shirt on, almost sitting indian -style. )

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