Saturday, January 14, 2012

a tribute to the sibs

josiah ( right ) -oldest.
christopher - second.

me - third
peter ( far left ) -fourth.

caleb ( left ) - fifth.

growing up, i was always faced (directly) with the fact that i did not have any sisters. people would come up to me and ask, "you keeping your brothers in line?", and i would just shrug or nod. actually, they kept me in line. from the oldest to the youngest, i am grateful for each of their lives. i wouldn't trade growing up with only boys for anything, it's made me learn so much about life. even though i haven't seen josiah or chris in months, i daresay that my love for them could grow any more than it already has. i value my brothers and hope that in every way i give them the honour and respect that they deserve. for all those with brothers, be thankful, they give you a different outlook on so many levels. i miss them so much, and hope we will all be able to get together again someday and hang out like the "good old days".

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