Friday, January 13, 2012


i know it appears that i am posting a whole bunch. well. this is true. i figure that in a week, i'll be in school and posting will slow down immensely, so i might as well get my writing out now before i become busy. have i ever mentioned that i love writing? one of my favourite past-times is writing, whether it be writing novels, journaling, writing poems, etc. all of the above is so exciting. you can create another person's life via novels, make them go on adventures you could never go on yourself (flying, living under water, exploring the jungles of Africa). you name it, and my characters will-at one point in time-go there. i do love a good story, with action, friendship, romance, scenery, and passion. it seems to many that writing is just a waste of one's life, but i find much of my imagination comes from books i read through my childhood. what would you be without the books you read? dreaming out-of-the-limits is something that i find extremely honourable in today's society where everything has to be in-the-box. i cannot say that one should live in a fantasy world, but if you have enough imagination to create things, how should that not be considerably-at least-intriguing? creativity is nothing to be frowned down upon. although, "there is nothing new under the sun" is such a true statement. all this to be said, sorry that i have seemingly "wasted so much time" doing this blog so far, expect it to slow down in about a week, and just know-in short-that i enjoy writing and photo-blogging. adieu for the evening!

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