Friday, January 20, 2012

favourite roommate moments.

when i was living up the road with some girls during my internship, we always had interesting conversations. below are some of the funniest that i can currently remember.  let me first quickly explain who each of my roommates were...

mel: a cute half-asian girl who is from hong kong, and was interning in kansas city for 6 months with me.

hannah: a tiny girl from minnesota who probably wore a double zero in pants and had bright red hair.

benita: a tall girl from germany, who was very talkative and was a complete social butterfly.

( all of them spoke perfect english...just add in the fact that their vocabulary is *slightly* different because we are from all over the the different cultures. )

mel: yay! i'm finally 18!!!! i'm allowed to drink and drive in hong kong.
hannah: that's a DUI!
mel: ( anything..water, soda, tea, etc. ) while driving. 

mel: benita...why do you look like the grim reaper over there? ( benita standing in the corner with a black hoodie on. )

hannah: who plays the voice of shrek?
mel: isn't it mike meyers?
hannah: i love the camel that follows shrek around.
mel & me: the...donkey?

hannah: do you speak english so well?
mel: my mom is white.

benita: look! it's stuart  eating cake! ah...that's so amazing. you know what? i'm going to take a picture in front of the registration booth....
( and into her picture walks stuart greaves eating cake. )

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