Tuesday, September 11, 2012

one of those.

one of those days-the good ones. i woke up early and got ready for class. on the way to class, i almost drove head-long into a coyote, dashing across the street. i slowed down just in time to not only not hit it, but appreciate how beautifully it flew over my neighbor's fence. it kept looking at me while it ran off, while i kept looking at it. some sort of mutual feeling was passed, i am sure. awe, beauty, and terror. on both ends. i have heard from a few people that coyotes are becoming increasingly numerous in these parts, as well as increasingly pesky. i've only seen them a few times out here, but when i do, they are usually running from the neighborhood across the street...which is quite odd [to me anyways].
when i got to class, our teacher was out, so we had a substitute. she anounced that we only had to take a test and then we were dismissed. i ended up leaving school at 9:15am as opposed to my usual 2:30pm(ish) typical tuesday dismissal time. it was lovely, because i got to use the time and stop by chick-fil-a to visit my wonderful caleb. now i am home, about to do some studying and finish up my blogging for the day. unfortunately that wonderful caleb i was talking about has my laptop, so i get to use his. not horrible, though, because i know how to use his just fine. the password to log on was kind of tricky, but when i thought about it for a minute, i produced the perfect password, and the computer logged me on. smart guy, that caleb is. alright. off to do daily activities. i miss blogging...hmmm...maybe i should blog more...

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