Sunday, August 26, 2012

crafts with friends

giselle's wedding shower is this week, so she and her sister-in-law-to-be came over and did some crafts with me for the shower. this little thing above ^^ is a random leftover piece of cardboard that giselle decided to sharpie for fun. 
[giselle and steven when they first started dating:]

the lovely sister-in-law-to-be, rachel! also, one of my very dear friends.

giselle gets married in thirteen days and i get to stand up there with her (and rachie) for it! ow ow!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

adventure week.

peter [brother], caleb [husband], and caleb [friend], all sporting white t's and black slacks before the banquet.

my hubby tasting his first ever mochii-ball icecream ever. i told him it was good...he didn't believe it until he had tasted it with his own mouth. nomnom.

this past week just flew by. we went to a banquet for a friend who is leaving for china soon, i am working, started college...maybe it isn't *that* busy, it just seems like a lot going on. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

best fwiend gone.

inseparable for years. now she's in india for four months. best of wishes to you, michaela, love.

to save my own skin.

still winding down from a long day at lake lanier yesterday. whew. you'd think rest and relaxation time would mean just that. in fact, it was relaxing, however, skip the "resting" part of it. i went with a group of my good friends: giselle, steven, rachel, kayla, andrew, ashley, wesley, kirsten, and tolu (and my brother, peter...unfortunately my dear caleb had work, so he was not able to go...) to the lake and we jet-skiid, tubed, and boated all day long. i came home with a majourly unattractive sunburn that covered every exposed inch of my body and turned it into a lovely lobster-red.  i decided that i would "pinterest" some natural ways to make the burn not...well...burn so much.
the ideas that sounded the most reasonable to me were the ones that shocked my husband perhaps the most. haha. poor guy.
i bathed in water that had been steeped with eleven black-tea bags. he made jokes about drinking the bath water after i finished. (what a guy). we also stopped by the H-Mart on the way home from picking up our climbing shoes - which were ten dollars on an uber good sale at stone summit - and bought some fresh aloe vera leaves. he helped me cut them open and de-juice them so i could smear the freezing cold liquid on my skin. there's nothing like a cold bath and cold juice all over your body. i have work in a few hours, so i sure hope that my skin is at least relieved from the pain. i guess i'll see if peter's sunburn is as horrid as mine is when i go to work...i think he works the same shift as me? *siblings unite*!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

my shoes and the story behind them.

vibrams were on sale this past week, so caleb let me choose some and buy them online! i had been checking pretty much every day to see if they had come in, but sadly they hadn't. we finally got them in the mail yesterday, in the middle of a melt-down for me. why the melt-down? because for work, i had to put in a clear nose stud...but the ones i bought were the wrong size, and the ones i had were too i used the ones that were too small...and my hole was too small to fit my normal nose rings i took out my nose ring and let it close up all the way. he let me cry for about 20 minutes before he told me to stop crying and handed me my shoes. it took a while, but i stopped crying [and only was inwardly sulking...which he told me to stop doing too;] and got to enjoy my new shoes. i love my husband...and that he tells me to "snap out of it" when i need to. sometimes, i just need somebody to tell me about all the starving people in africa to get myself to calm down ( not really, but  that sounds like what my mom did when i was younger, when she tried to get me to eat asparagus, " your asparagus...there are starving people in africa who would love your asparagus!!!" me: gag. ). haha. he just told me it wasn't the end of the world and hugged me and said "now...stop crying."
i got to parade them around when we went grocery shopping yesterday after my melt-down and buy groceries for our little housie. he ended up making a delicious dinner, and we enjoyed the rest of the evening.
disclaimer: i don't ever have emotional break-downs [ ... and i don't ever lie ;) ]

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


day one on the job: chick-fil-a, here i come.

Monday, August 6, 2012

wedding scraps.

a friend of mine took these pictures with although they are grainy, at least they are reasonably clear enough to show a tidbit of what the wedding looked like :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

honey moon snippets

practicing bouldering.

with this face...i bet you're wondering how i married such a good looking young man, right?