Wednesday, February 8, 2012

a wild ride.

what a night. after getting in bed at 8pm, last night, i figured i'd be out by probably 9:30pm latest. however it happened, i couldn't fall asleep until midnight. when i realized how early i had to wake up the next morning ( aka: this morning ), i was so frustrated, that it made sleeping even harder. when my alarm went off at its usual time ( 5am ), i sat up in bed and felt awful, so i sent in an email saying that i wouldn't make it in for my 6-10am responsibilities or my 10-12pm class. i feel horrible for not going in, but i seriously probably would have fallen asleep at the wheel while driving 70mph on the highway, which would be a bad story. anyhow, after i sent in my email, i fell back to sleep until 9:30am, and have been working steadily on homework and studying for a test, which is tomorrow. i have a doctor's appointment at 2pm, so i probably need to eat lunch and start getting ready for that and put away all of my studying materials so my roommates don't freak out at all the papers scattered here and there on the couch. egh. why do i feel so guilty for not going in this morning? ( probably because in my senior year of highschool, i went to school even when i was throwing up on the ride joke. ) okay. off to get ready for the day.

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