Monday, January 16, 2012


my first attempts to knit a pair of shorts. oh boy! it is quite time consuming, but that is alright since i don't start college for three more days. this morning, i got waken up by the girl who lives in the room next to me, opening the door and asking if somebody was talking to her..oops. i must sleep-talk really loudly...which is odd, since i never was a sleep-talker before i moved here.
we're all on a search for something. some: a job ( too on that one ) . others: their missing sock. me: the meaning of life.
i guess we are all on the search to figure out what our lives are about. i have heard enough sermons to know that "the point of life is to give glory to God", but what is the use of head knowledge if it does not yet strike my heart? can i - a weak human - give glory to God in everything that i do? such as school, or reading, or playing piano, or knitting, or taking care of others, or..just random little things? i mean. i know that we are not judged by our "ministry", but rather how we steward our time and our thought - life, and all of the small things.
no worries. this blog isn't turning into a lecture or anything...i was just trying to externalize some thoughts rather than always internalizing them. anyhow. off to start my day.

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