Tuesday, January 17, 2012

knitted shorts -- completed.

they fit almost perfectly.

the pattern in the shorts.

i'll have to take some better photos later on, but this is enough to curb your curiosity. eventually, i plan on making some high-waisted ones in burnt orange and a rusty brown. but for now..these are great!


  1. How did you do the crouch area. I have tried to follow a tutorial. But no one explains it that well. Thanks.

    1. hey! i honestly just kept it simple and knitted a circular (tube-ish shaped thing) that started at the top and went all the way to the bottom of the shorts. when it came to the legs of the shorts, i kind of hand-sewed the tube in the middle to together to create the place to put legs. you just have to make sure you make the legs long enough so it doesn't look like underwear. sorry if this doesn't make sense :3

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