Wednesday, May 1, 2013

outdoor chores

would you believe that i mowed the lawn for the first time...*ever* with a push mower. three hours and multiple blisters later, i feel accomplished. even my husband was impressed, "you did it with a pushmower? are you crazy?" i told him yesterday that i would mow the lawn if it meant that we got to spend the whole afternoon together yesterday...needless to say, he didn't believe that i would actually mow the lawn. i feel wonderful about our large yard and its mow-ie-ness. now it's all lovely and short again. these faces (below) are that of satisfaction and my completion of outdoor work for the day. 

(oh, and you can check out my short hairs...thanks to genna;) 

this next week is about to get crazy. doing some video with "voyage", and it's going to be busy. fortunately, i don't have school for two more weeks. it'll be great working the video department with my husband instead of going it alone while everybody else does photography. i think i've come to the conclusion that my caleb and i were made for eachother without us even realizing it. hah. i mean...until this past week, i didn't even know that i enjoyed doing video. and he's loved it since he was just a little kid. go figure.