Thursday, July 26, 2012

just a few weeks older..

growing up too quickly.

on the run.

these little guys practically look like miniature chickens now. no longer cute and fluffy, they have their feathers, and the chicken-walk down. i let them roam around outside of their shed-which they will be allowed to roam free as soon as they are big enough-for the first time today. they went crazy. imagine lots of little chickens flitting about, literally running while flapping their wings, hoping they'd somehow fly. did you know that chickens can fly? growing up, i had the misconception that they couldn't...but they're perching birds. crazy, eh?
p.s. they run like raptors from "jurassic park". (you didn't hear me say that...they'd be offended, i'm sure.)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

hair cut. 

can we keep it?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

less than a minute.

why, yes. there is less than a week left now.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

craft day - 9 to go.

it's one of my crafty days. i probably have quite a few left...i many as you can possibly squeeze into nine days. wow. is it really nine days? incredible. today and yesterday were my designated  "create some sign days". actually, i still have multiple signs yet to complete, but i am working to finish and just be done with this task.
now that i am covered in paint, i might as well go to the gym as well. hopefully at 4ish, i'll be headed there for about an hour...then a party hosted by my lovely friend-and roommate-genel, and her momma.  being in the centre of attention is not my forte, but i love being surrounded by friends, which isn't quite so awkward when you really think about it.
i am hoping to post a picture of something else i crafted for the wedding...but i am refusing to write what it is until i post it. on the look-out.


Monday, July 16, 2012

two reasons

i have decided that, although i love my baby chicks, there are two i could live without. i made a poem about one of them: (it's totally ridiculous, and not my poetry at its finest;)

they plotted and plotted, and found a way out,
they knew that it's much more fun to roam about.
they ran around the yard and ate,
until it was too late
and a bigger chicken found them out.

#1. we rescued one of the chicks, but barely. the other one...probably got eaten by the coyote. it made me quite upset when caleb showed me what the big chickens did to my little chick. who knew that big chickens hate baby chicks so much?! a bit messy, and it made me queasy.

#2. baby chicken poop. this morning, i went out to the barn to give them some water. i planted my hand on the handle of the water basin...and there was the nastiest poop, just sitting smeared on my fingers. *what is this stuff?* i asked, being stupid enough to smell it (i'm not even sure why i would do something like that). gagging, and reeling back, i finished my duties and stumbled back into the house. no matter how much i wash my hands, i feel like i can still smell the atrocity. gag.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


i love hearing the things my friends record:)

sam: peace of the park
        sleep beneath the red

Saturday, July 14, 2012

bow ties schmoe ties.

bow ties: spent a few hours cooking-up five of these. phew. finished at last!

messy housie.


look at this mess.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

chicken nuggets.

ranging free. 

le shoppe.

etsy-fying it up! this shop is lovely.


mornings at the farm are simply splendid. even after a stormy night, the air is water-saturated yet clean, and the breeze light and sweet. humidity must be factored into the equation, but you should also imagine barn swallows nesting in the faded red barn, tucked away from the damp air-adding a certain sweetness to even a more-so wet and rainy day. 
while i was taking a stroll in the field earlier, i noticed a large object in the field next to ours. out of curiosity, i stepped a little closer. a coyote? i bet that's what has been eating the adult chickens. the little babies are growing like crazy right now, almost double their original size. i'd like to add pictures sometime. they are living in what used to be the pig's barn, in which they should stay safe from that coyote that was roaming about earlier. 
it's not that i am particularly fond of coyotes, but there is definitely something that is serene and slightly awesome about them. maybe next it shows its facey around here, i can catch him on camera. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

nineteen days.

and i get married. two weeks until josiah comes. how i miss my dearest brother.