Wednesday, June 27, 2012

3 of my 26 babies.


it's been a while since i even checked my blog. apologies all around! i've been busy, as you can see. with this ring on my finger and a wedding at the end of july, i haven't had as much time as the college student i was back in missouri. talk about a crazy life currently. crazy, but wonderful. with a name-change in a month from tomorrow, life is about to get even more crazy, right?
now that you know the reason for my absence, i can proudly say that i am moved in on my farm. living with my best friend, genel, until i'm married and she has to leave. we are raising twenty-six chicks and sixteen (adult) chickens. all of them-of course-are free range chickens. between my dove and genel's rabbit, and the horse we've been housing since i moved here ("methuselah" leaves us tomorrow), i'd say we could run an interesting zoo. we'll see if i can talk caleb into letting me get some more animals that'll help us be self sustaining.
exciting season, and i'm hoping that i'll be able to update this more often now that the farm has internet.