Wednesday, May 30, 2012

week's tidings.

the proof of my farm work:)

a little cardinal flew into our house..thanks mom.

shopping. hehe.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


even though i've been home over a week, i kept forgetting to post some pictures of my roadtrip. here's to that loverly trip that began almost two weeks ago.
one of my dearest friends in kansas city. can't wait to see benita again.
caleb being caleb.
josiah's family was also in town, so we got to see all of them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

chicken run

you remember watching that movie as a kid, but never imagined that you'd become one of those "evil" humans who keeps chickens for their eggs.'s been a while since i updated my blog, so i figured that i might as well write about the latest up-comings in the family.
we bought a farm.
it's taken a lot of work so far, and i can't even say that we are probably a tenth of the way done with fixing up the houses, but it'll be simply lovely when it gets finished. not only do we have wonderful property, but we also inherited an old horsie, whom we dubbed the name "methuselah" because of his old age. you can't forget the chickens..all nineteen of them. there was an annoying and loud rooster, but nobody knows what happened to him.
i told dad that we need an alpaca..just for kicks [chuckle chuckle..literally] and because they're cute and fluffy. honestly, though, we'll probably stick to more decent animals that don't require de-fluffing. maybe we'll get honeybees or something of the sort.
i've been working on cleaning out the house i am living in for the past two days. my boyfriend, caleb, took me to the gym with him on monday, and i thought i was going to die when i was fixing up the house yesterday [tuesday]. tomorrow, mom and i are going to start the inside painting process for the smaller house so that can be finished before we put the new carpet in.
the lady who lived in the small house before us was a "master gardener" and also knew basically everything about birds...she left lots of little bird houses in the yard and told us how to keep the plethora of birds in our area eating at our bird feeders. it literally always sounds like morning outside the house because birds are always chirping and flirting with each other. perhaps this sounds annoying to you, but actually it is delightful to have nature right at your fingertips. my dove, piper, is going to be thrilled with all of her new bird friends that live right outside of the porch.
that's another thing...we have porches on the house..three screened-in porches. piper is going to live on one of them in the spring and summer and beginning of fall so she can enjoy the scenery and bird noises...unless she gets stressed out, then she'll live back inside the living room.
i want to post more as the farm progresses, and i would love to post pictures...i just need to bring my camera there sometime while we are there.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

we aren't called because we are equipped; rather, we are equipped because we are called.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

let me just say...

[three-way skype today.] mom + dad = me!